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Minutes of February 4, 2004


Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on February 4, 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Library of Sharon High School.

                        PRESENT:        JOEL TRAN, CHAIR
                                        SAMUEL SOLOMON, VICE CHAIR
                                        REGINA MANISCALCO, CLERK
                                        NADINE OSTROW
                                        PETER O’CAIN, ACTING TOWN ENGINEER






A brief discussion was held regarding the Cell Tower matter with Mr. Peter O’Cain, Acting Town Engineer.

A comment was made from Mr. Wluka regarding a Cell Tower to be placed in the area of the center of Town.


Two spreadsheets were handed out to the Planning Board regarding town-wwned land which will also be posted for public view at Town Hall.

Gina Maniscalco, Clerk, introduced Planning Board consultant, Larissa Brown.  Larissa spoke about the process for the evening, provided handouts of a draft affordable housing chapter for the EO418 plan, went over the basics
of the document, discussed objectives listed in the draft, and made suggestions for implementation, which will all be in the EO418 report.

A discussion ensued regarding the Sharon Housing Partnership.  Jane Desberg, Executive Director of the Housing Partnership was in attendance and also talked about the existence of the Sharon Housing Corporation, which has several active members.

A discussion was held regarding town-owned land.  Peter O’Cain, Acting Town Engineer, showed maps.

It was stated that the Wilbur School is the most accessible to the center of town for public transportation, doctor’s offices, town hall and a drug store.  It was stated that this location might be ideal for elderly housing, perhaps in conjunction with businesses or town services.

Jane Desberg, from the Housing Authority, spoke regarding property located across the emergency road.  There is a paper street access to Winslow Road.

Dave Wluka spoke regarding Barefoot Hill.  Ben Puritz commented on the history of town-owned land at Furnace Road.  Possible sites for housing included The Wilbur School, Sacred Heart Property and 5 Pine Street which has approximately 9 acres.  

Avalon Development on Edgehill Road is considered a “friendly 40B” or a Local Initiative Project (LIP.)

Reference was made with regard to Mr. Gobbi and his land off South Main Street as another friendly 40B possibility.  Also, 4 acres of the landfill area off Mountain Street are not actually landfill and could be considered for affordable housing.  There is easy access to this land from Hampton Street.

Two suggestions were made by George Bailey with regard to the Wilbur School.  School Street, at the end of Oakland Road, where lots are currently owned by the Conservation Commission, could be redefined under Section 97 through the help of the legislature.  Gina Maniscalco talked about conversations with Greg Meister and about talking to ConCom about Land Swaps.

Eileen Bissen, 2 Pine Road, lives across from the Wilbur School.  She has concerns regarding no sewage in the Town and the possibility that using the school for residential units might cause the water level to rise and flood her basement.   Marsha Liebman of 19 Pine Road, also expressed concern about septic levels.

Dave Wluka commented that small 40B’s vs. large 40B’s have the same cost and expenses.  He further commented about making cluster by-right part of the Town’s bylaws and eliminating the flexible development bylaw as redundant.

Joel Tran, Chairman of the Planning Board, along with the other Planning Board members, discussed the CSD “Option/Requirement”.

Dave Wluka commended the Planning Board for going through this EO418 process.  He touched upon Title V and the Wetlands Protection Act.

George Bailey spoke regarding creating a TRIC (??) among 12 Towns.  Elliott Feldman from the Counsel on Aging Board, also commented on parts of the housing plan.

Returning to the subject of the Wilbur School, Ben Puritz, Town Administrator spoke on preserving the Wilbur School for town uses and the need to seal the building until the Town can afford to redevelop the building.  He further commented that he did not want the town to lose ownership of the site.

Joel Tran commented that since the town can’t afford to build, the building could continue to deteriorate.  In the meantime, the site could serve the elderly and provide some town services.
Shirley Schofield spoke regarding the desire of the Historic Commission to have the Wilbur School in a Historic District (District III).  The Wilbur School, Pleasant Street Building and land behind Pleasant are all properties the Historical Commission is interested in preserving.  Schofield read from a
report discussing the site and the reasons for preservation.  She believes the town could get money for site if this is done.

Larissa Brown asked for people’s input on the housing draft before the report is finalized.  The final draft will be put on the website and in the  Library.  It was decided that Brown would meet with the Board and representatives of the Conservation Commission in two weeks to discuss Open Space.


There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Nadine Ostrow / Samuel Solomon